Chris Demm is one of the few people currently working in radio, who’s old enough to remember when there WASN’T radio. (Full disclosure: he’s OLD, but not THAT old…)
He was born in France and has consistently been a fan of stinky cheese and snobby waiters ever since.
Growing up in Virginia, Demm became fascinated with music, of all kinds. By the age of 10, he was a member of the Columbia Record & Tape Club in good standing, and was soon reading every single fact he could about singers, songwriters, and producers. Once he was old enough to drive, he’d spend hours in various record stores, looking through every single bin before leaving.
This obsession turned him into the rock trivia freak he remains today.
Demm got into radio so his parents could legitimately tell their friends, “We have three sons: one is a doctor, the other a lawyer…and one’s a DJ.”
Since marrying, VERY late in life, Demm has spent most of his free time traveling, and will happily show you his thousands…and thousands…and thousands…of sunset pictures.